Activate Your Amazing!

A 3-month coaching program designed to help you

attract the life and love you desire!

You move through your professional life with the confidence and grace of a Queen: You know who you are, what you want, and how to get it. BOOM!

But when it comes to your dating life, you move more like a jester, performing and hiding your truths OR like a knight, showing up on dates fully armored and all closed off. Or maybe you don’t know how you move, you just know whatever you’re doing, it’s knocking that crown right off your head.

I get it. As Black women were expected to be Wonder Woman, all strength, no softness. It can be hard to be our authentic selves. But, if we want it all, we have to go inward and get real with our truths.

When you sign up for Activate Your Amazing, that’s exactly what we’ll do together. Whatever walls you have up, we’ll kick them down like a stiletto wearing ninja, wherever you’re letting your toes get stepped on (and you do NOT want scratches on those Manolo Blahniks) we’ll put up boundaries, AND we’ll thaw out those frigid vibes that scream “I don’t need a man!” because honey, those feet aren’t gonna rub themselves.

Your tall glass of Idris Elba is somewhere out there screaming (with his fine British accent) “Where’s my Queen?” Together we’ll help you be seen, all of you, so that your dream man can not only find you, he won’t be able to resist you!

I know you. I see you. And sis, I GOT YOU!

I’ve walked a mile in your shoes, hell I’ve walked hundreds of miles in your shoes in circles, searching for my King.

I’d make a round, trudging through pain, heartache, WTFness—get tired, stop to update my profile picture and change my shoes, then get back up and keep walking expecting to finally get somewhere—but nope, just another loveless circle.

I had found success and excellence in EVERY other area of my life, but when it came to love, I found myself uncharacteristically perplexed. Was it me, or was the world just full of terrible men? Listen up, IT WAS ME.

I was doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results each time. I was investing in my career, my family, and when it came to love, I was investing only in the external - the wardrobe, the hair, the profile pics etc.

I realized it was time to invest in the internal.

It was time to become the best version of myself, because . . .

How can you attract the man of your dreams without first becoming the

woman of his? Yeah, I said it!

If you want to see change on the outside, you gotta make change on the inside, PERIOD I turned inward and asked the hard questions, engaged in deep reflections, and made the daily choice to be better in the way I love, communicate and show up in the world.

As I did this I healed past trauma and my broken perspective of relationships.

When I walked fully in the newfound version of Cheri, the one who was healed, whole, and genuinely happy . . .my King entered my life and our paths merged seamlessly.

Don’t you want that for you? Aren’t you tired of juggling failure and blaming men when the common denominator in every situation is you?

Then stop what you are doing right now and enroll in Activate Your Amazing! because the best decision of your life starts right here, right now!

Do it sis, I got you.

All the way through.

What my clients are saying!

“Most of my life I have planned for the benefit of others. I have experienced wounds, trauma, and codependency. Which has resulted in me being controlling, unhappy and unfulfilled. Life has brought me to a space where I wanted to change to be a better version of myself and genuinely be happy. I looked for resources to help. I've read self-help books and attended boot camps. A few things would stick but the change I was Iooking for had not come yet until I was introduced to Cheri. She has helped me discover my amazing self and challenged me to go deeper into my experiences. The weekly meetings are set for your success. I have found that with grace and hard work the small wins come. A year of therapy has yet to help me discover what's really taking place within. Cheri has helped me do that and more. I more compelled to read, practice, discuss, ask questions and get the support I needed. Doing the work has become my new journey. I've discovered my needs and tapping into my true self. I'm grateful for my experience thus tar and am happy to the continuous wins.”

— Dr. White

You will not find your King until you find yourself . . . but to find yourself,

you have to invest in yourself.

When you enroll in Activate Your Amazing! we get down to the nitty gritty

and go deep. We look on the inside to see how/if you’re getting in your own way: Do you stand in your worth? Do you truly love all the goodness that you are?

Do you know your values, boundaries, and overall needs? Do you possess the virtues that you’re looking for in someone else?

Then, as your coach, I double as your playbook. I use the Phax of you to give you the play-by-play to help you navigate your inner world so you can start seeing changes in your outer world, because hey, old ways won’t open new doors.

Is it gonna be hard work? YES! But will you want to name your first child after me when we’re through?

Also, YES!

How we do it . . .

Activate Your Amazing! is a 3-month coaching program that will give you the clarity, competence, and confidence to attract the love and life you desire.

Each month you will receive 3 weeks of coaching (and cheerleading complete with me cheering through a megaphone) and exercises, with a one-week reflection & implementation period in between. We will focus 3 cornerstone modules designed to get to the Phax of you so you can show in relationships fearlessly authentic:

Awaken Your Inner Amazement - In this first module you’ll discover that the amazingness that you seek is already exploding inside of you, just waiting to pour out! I will help you knock down the walls to release it.

Femininity & Strength - Here, we’ll first tap into your femininity—this is the sweet spot! It’s the sugar in the milkshake that brings the boys to the yard and makes you a magnet for amazing people and unforgettable experiences because they are drawn to your unique flavor. Then we’ll tap into your strength—it’s your strength that will help you put up the necessary boundaries to determine who gets a taste.

Win with Words - They say you get more bees with honey, and this is true in every area of your life. In this last module, we take a look at how the way we communicate creates vibes that repel or attract the life and love of our dreams. Are you bringing it all in, or pushing it way the hell out??

*A workbook will be provided at the beginning of the program to help you track your thoughts and progress!

You will walk away from this program—head tall, shoulders back—understanding:

How to recognize your unique talents and strengths: And how to use those strengths to attract not only your perfect man . . . but also your ideal life!

How to be comfortable in your own skin: You’ll know who you are and how gloriously amazing you are!

How to expect more from yourself: You’ll see yourself as the QUEEN you are. And in turn, you’ll learn to live and move through ALL areas of your like one!

How to use your femininity and your personality to open up doors. The world is your oyster or better yet, your QUEENDOM, it’s about time you take advantage of it!

How to be a WOMAN who makes things happen. Getting what you want doesn’t happen through magic tricks or Jedi mind tricks, it happens through you. Learn to take control of your mind and body to manifest what you desire!

How to effectively communicate to get what you want and need. Your words hold power, you’ll learn how to control that power. And make it work for YOU!

5 Things you must do before dating online.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.